My tortilla had only three fillings. Guacamole, Salsa, stewed beef shoulder and if your into it like my mom crem fresh. For those who used ground beef instead of slowly in the pot or oven cooked meat WAKE UP.
Oh and by the way if you are wondering how my tortillas are so nicely round shape it's because they are bought from a local convenience store. The reason for this can be I was too lazy, I already ate the ones and couldn't get a picture or that a bird flew from my window and stole them is for you to deiced.

For the salsa i made a simple Salsa called salsa roja. It may mean something in Spanish, but since I don't speak Spanish I'll let you translate it as you feel fit. I boiled four tomatoes in a pot for ten minutes. After that i blended them with half a chili, some salt and two garlic cloves. There you have a good salsa.
For the Guacamole a used a quick recipe where I used three avocados rest of the chili I mentioned earlier(By that I mean a half a chili), some salt, one limes juice, two garlic cloves and some fresh coriander. Mix them all well with a fork and there you have. A Lazy mans guacamole.
Enough of these vegetarian stuff, know for the meat. Cut about 750 grams of beef shoulder into even chunks. Season them with salt and pepper. pan fry them until all sides are brown. This keeps the flavor inside them when you roast it. Put them in a pot and add 2 dl of soy sauce and 2 dl of water. For the water I would use the pan used to fry the meats with. Slowly pour water on the pan and with a spatula take all the pieces of meat that may have gotten stuck on the pan while frying the meat. Make sure the meat is covered in the liquid. Add one sliced chili there and one star anise. Put it in the oven for 5 hours at 125 Celsius.
750 grams of beef (I used shoulder)
2 chilies
four cloves of garlic
3 avocados
4 tomatoes
fresh coriander
one limes juices
Star anise
2 dl soy sauce
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